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Submitted byAnonymouson07-09-201603:45 AM
Gathering Support
Revit for Mac
Please start producing REVIT for Mac. It is a must have application for architecture students and the mac industry occupies a huge part of the computer industry. We really need the software.
please put revit on mac please, students and designers in the field require access to platforms just like revit but are turned down and have to dish out thousands of money they may not have to use revit in their school/work life!
Unless you have a super base model Mac you can run Parallels and use Revit and not shell out thousands of dollars. Only a $100 a year if you want constant updates or 100 once if you just want it once. Also Revit does not require a super powerful system to run unless you are going to render in Revit for some odd reason.... When I did a lot of Field work I had a $290 HP Pavilion AM4 Right now on HP website you can get a system that will run Revit fine for $350 do a search for
I am guessing never as Autodesk has stated such. You can run a version in parallels! Since most people do not actually use Revit for Rendering not a lot of power is needed for Revit unless you are doing huge buildings. Even then you can run Revit on a very wimpy system.
Both of you I am not a against Revit on a Mac actually I fully welcome it I have 16" M3 Max MacBook Pro with 64gb of memory, it would love to have a native version of Revit but alas I run it in Parallel when I am out of the office and do not have access to remote into the PC.
I don’t understand the sort of gleeful defense of Windows— at its core it is a less stable, more error prone OS, and an annoyance when it comes to professional workflows.
I don’t think people who don’t use a Mac regularly understand this, but, you almost never need to restart a Mac. Open windows, files, etc just stay where you put them, and if the system has to restart (like the battery dies), the system provides better support for restoring open work and preventing loss, which is absolutely not the case on Windows. MacOS never forces the system to restart to install an update, and doesn’t shove random new things (Copilot, some random new background, etc) down your throat every five seconds. Dialogue boxes and system settings don’t descend down into older and older OSes like some sort of bizzaro Dante’s Inferno… I could go on.
For actual professionals, having a stable, reliable system, so you can spend your time actually getting work done, and not babysitting an OS, is incredibly valuable. This, in addition to the very real hardware benefits, especially for portable workflows, is why the Mac is preferable.
Hi all, since the future of Windows laptops is ARM and Intel, Snapdragon, AMD, and every other major company in this field is investing into ARM systems, shouldn't you guys be developing an ARM version of Revit?
Not to mention there are a lot of users that run Parallels for MAC to be able to use Revit. If you just developed an ARM version of Revit you could make everybody's life easier especially within the next couple of years when companies have to do their next round of upgrades for hardware, or when new users are hopping on board. It's more than likely they'll be in the market for an ARM system.
And then finally I can natively run Revit on my MAC as there is no way I'm spending a ridiculous amount of money on a PC for one single application. It's quite selfish actually. Maybe I should have became a software engineer were MAC is the new standard, or just done something creative like music production or videography lol.
Anyway I hope you guys consider this sooner rather than later since you'll basically be forced to do it if the industry ever gives up on x86.
I bought a Mac because I was getting better rendering times than my PC and now that I found out Revit isn't available for Mac. I might have to return it so I can continue my education. Please bring Revit to Mac.
I came across B r i c s CAD, I strongly suggest everyone to check it out. After a month of playing around with it (they give you 30 days trial), I am convinced this is much more capable CAD/3D Modeling/BIM software all rolled into one. Faster, Cheaper (perpetual license avail.), and most importantly MAC native. No more parallel desktop and Windows! Guys, I have initiated my office the migration from Revit to this software. Their 2D cad is .dwg and 99% similar to AutoCAD. You can model 3D and BIM then documentation in AutoCAD like environment. It's time to switch and leave Autodesk behind.