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Revit Electrical Circuit Numbering Improvements

Revit Electrical Circuit Numbering Improvements

- Allow users to select a starting number, such as 43 for a FTL panel type.

- Allow users to create alphanumeric numbering for circuits, such as the labels used for sections in an MCC panel or switchboard (A1, B1, etc.)

Not applicable

Agree... In the Netherlands we usually have multiple groups from the same panel with different preference. The first preference is usually supplied by a UPS or no-break and has a different circuit naming (like N1, N2, etc.). It would be great if we could get the circuit naming in Revit to work better with the reality. Now we have to use workarounds like additional parameters and rename circuits.


FTL and Subfeed lug connections are now included in Revit 2020 - check it out when you get a minute!


thanks - David B.


Example: If you have a panel with 20 lighting circuits and 10 power circuits, our distribution
would be circuits 1 through 20 for lighting and 50 through 60 for power. We do not need to see
circuits 21 through 49 in the schedule.

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