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Revit Cloud Worksharing Sync Queue

Revit Cloud Worksharing Sync Queue

We've all been there. Multiple users working on a central model coordinating who can sync when, either through the work-sharing monitor or a parallel group lync chat.


This has always seemed super inefficient to me.


My idea for C4R would be a stacking queue, so that while one sync is taking place you can add your sync to the queue so that yours will automatically be processed once the central model is available.


With this in place its not an un-imaginable leap that by knowing how may syncs are in the queue and volume of data that need to be transferred that an estimated waiting time could be given allowing users to plan their work and syncing more effectively.    




Great idea!

Not applicable

had the same idea, just with a feature more like it would close Revit after its done sync and saving. closing most worksets so only 1 is left open (For faster sync).


This would be great for project that are large in terms of a how many works in the file itself. so many time, i and other colleges have to spent an hour or more extra at work due to sync can take too long or people sync at the same time, since they click at the same time right after one is done sync on workshare monitor. This way you would never had two or more sync at the same time, by simply having a queue system.


if this was a feature you could simply push the add me to sync queue, pack your stuff and head home from work. then have a script on windows closing the PC once revit is closed.


Hi Tobias, I do like your idea especially if you are having to wait for up to an hour to get your work synced before you can leave work.


I don't know how agreeable IT would be about having machines left un-attended and being closed down by script? I know at my company they don't allow it due to security considerations. 


Perhaps there is a way to do something where your sync is queued and the sync data is cached alongside the central model. That way you can close down your machine and when your sync gets to the front of the queue it can be handled without you?  


How about other people on this posing do you need to be able to 'sync and forget' at the end of the day? Would your IT let you have a 3rd party app close down your computer?

Status changed to: Under Review
Status changed to: Future Consideration

Tom and others,

We agree with you guys on this one.  If we had a queue, what would be your expectations of the experience?  Would you want to see who else is in the queue?  Be able to drop off the queue once you got in it?  Something else?




Hi Kyle,


In my mind yes, it's a visual queue that you can see who is currently syncing and who else is in the queue. It would be really good if the queue time could be estimated by the amount of data people have to sync back to central.


It would be great if the queued syncs could be cached temporality alongside the central model so that whenever anyone syncs the would never get a message saying that the central model is in use.  


When someone else is syncing you might be given option like 'Add to Sync Queue and keep working', 'Add to Sync Queue and exit Revit' & 'Wait until later' to suit the use cases that people have talked about in the thread above.

Not applicable

How would a queue system work with conflict resolution? Multiple workers can be performing contradictory operations on the model. What would be the outcome of going through a sync queue? It is conceivable that half way through the queue elements that are still expected to exist further down the queue might no longer exist. What happens then?

@Anonymous Revit's Element Borrowing functionality prevents conflicts from happening, so a queue system wouldn't change that.




Any progress with this item? I support everything Tom's stated above, a sync queue would be greatly appreciated.

Status changed to: Gathering Support

To reorganize and consolidate our Revit Ideas for ease of use to both our customers and our product teams, we are no longer using the "Future Consideration" status for Revit Ideas. All Revit Ideas are always under review, and consolidating posts (and Kudos!) will give weight to topics previously spread across many posts. We are continuing to evaluate where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision. 

Thank you for your contribution!


-The Factory

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


To follow the progress of features in development, please see the Revit Public Roadmap and join the Revit Preview Release to participate in feature testing. (Note that Accepted Ideas may not be immediately available.)


The Factory

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