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Revit 2024 - Project Browser Scroll Speed

Revit 2024 - Project Browser Scroll Speed

Can we please revert the scroll speed for the project browser back to Revit 2023 where each scroll click rotation is 1 view up/down, right now it scrolls down 5 views which is very annoying and feels more clunky compared to the prior versions.


Thank you for the feedback. I can understand the confusion between the two different feelings.

Scroll more rows once could improve the efficiency but reduce the sense of control. Hope you could feel better after  get used to it.

We will collect more feedback about this behaviors' assumption and consider the proper solution for it. 


@shengjun_du it would be nice to add a setting in options under User interface to adjust this so users can set it to what they want. I feel like a simple 1-10 slider would be good. 1 being one line at a time and 10 being ten at a time (maybe slider could be 1-20).


There is still the scroll bar you can grab if you want to move to a specific spot as well as the page up/down and home/end keyboard buttons.


@Mike.FORM, Great idea!.



@Mike.FORM Thank you for the good suggestion! We will consider about it. 


Did Autodesk seriously do this without putting in a control field?


So you are telling me scanning 5 lines at a time in a several thousand-line browser is more efficient? I know for a fact that I'm going to take 10times longer scaning to see where the next line went.


This is a lazy solution to the fact that there is too much in 1 browser, you need to split down the browser from  Views/Legends/Schedules/Sheets/Families/Groups/Links all bundled together to maybe Views/Legends/Schedules, Sheets, Families/Groups/Links in three separate Browsers.


Or at the very least if you are changing things like scroll speed, add it as a parameter in options don't be lazy!


@Johnathon.Page Thanks for pushing us forward. Actually, support tabs in Project Browser is serious considered by us for several years. One reason we made the new Project Browser is to make the tab for Project Browser possible in the near future. 


@Mike.FORM great idea! 

I dont mind the new speed but this could be entirely due to how each user has their mouse set up on their OS? 

@shengjun_du no-one has made any mention about the new automatic spell checker in the project browser search field.

I thought that this would have gotten a lot of attention, perhaps an inkling of things to come and that the new browser makeover is not just an aesthetic change.



I can only scroll down! To scroll back to the top, I must use the elevator. 


@jorgemmtavares that is really strange, I can confirm that there is no issue from this end.
On another note, @shengjun_du I am really impressed with the new interface, its brilliant!
Is it possible to consider that the options areas in the options bar be a little more prominent in appearance as per the second image below like what we had in Revit 2023.



Screenshot 2023-05-17 105104.jpg

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Screenshot 2023-05-17 105104 copy.jpg

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The new feature is incredibly annoying and time consuming, using the keyboard down and up if you are not careful you can move elements in the model rather than scrolling up and down in the project browser. Is there any setting that one can change the speed? I feel like sometimes Autodesk needs to stop trying to be creative, it can cause huge disruption. 


@Mark_Engwirda I got your point about the option bar. We are planning to move the settings from the Option Bar to the Ribbon and will consider the related UI status carefully. 

@rafat.rickard6HBM5   We are fixing this issue back the previous now, hope you can get it soon.


Yeah I am very frustrated with the new scroll speed as well. It jumps way too fast and causes me to lose my spot, and have to to use the manual scroll bar to find what I need. This is less efficient, please revert back to 1 line at a time, or provide a speed control. Thank you.


Unbelievable changes that worsened the proficient users efficiency. The one with the Project Browser is just an example. Please revert.

Community Visitor

I agree that new scroll speed is very frustrating. I am having a very hard time navigating the project browser now. Is there any way to adjust it yet?

Community Visitor

I also am very surprised at this terrible change in scroll speed. I can never keep track of where I am in the project browser, without clicking and using the manual scroll.  I still have not fully switched to Revit 2024 because of this issue. Please change it back.


"Scroll more rows once could improve the efficiency but reduce the sense of control. Hope you could feel better after  get used to it."


I have gotten used to being frustrated by Revit, yes.


Is there any way to revert this?


This behavior has been reverted in R2025, thanks. 

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