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Reopen Last Views (that were open when Revit was closed)

Reopen Last Views (that were open when Revit was closed)

If you have not completed a task at the end of the day – it is a pain to open all relevant views and sheets next morning. (Especially on large projects)



A list is saved automatically when you close a local file after synching & saving (if workshared) of all views and sheets open. When you open the project a check box (“Open last views left open?”) allows you to open them.



Worksets – you can open worksets that were opened in the previous session.



Allow creating a view/sheet set from all open views and sheets.  An “Open Views/Sheets” form allows any saved set to be opened after project is opened.

Not applicable

To clarify this one, I would suggest a "number of windows open" warning if this feature were enabled, for those of us who quickly hammer through views and not always close them.  😃

Not applicable

Yes, a warning would be good.  Also, the more I think about it - both implementations have merits, the latter  is much more powerful in that anyone can open a saved set.


You can already do the first option.

On the manage Tab, in the manage project tab click  STARTING VIEW

In the dialog box drop down, the first option is <last viewed>

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

You can already do the first option.

On the manage Tab, in the manage project tab click  STARTING VIEW

In the dialog box drop down, the first option is <last viewed>

Apierce, girish is describing an interest in multiple views being reopened at startup.  Starting View is helpful for some firms, but it's just one view that is controlled (or assigned to one Last View).  I agree with girish that more flexibility is needed.

Community Manager
Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived

<last viewed>

Will open all the views that you had open, not just a single view

@sasha.crotty I tried it now, I opened 2 plan views and a 3dview - neatly placed in 3 separate parts of the screen to see them all at the same time. used the 'last view' option - 1 of the plans and the 3d view was opened when I opened the project (the second plan did not) - and they were all just opened in a single window, not remembering the placement  I had done for them, so I saved 10% of the work it was to set things back to where I left off, but the 90% of work with placing the windows was lost - so it was mostly useless for the intended use.

It would be nice if the 'starting view' option also stored information of the splitting of the window - so if I have the 3dview in the upper right corner, my 4 plans together as tabs on the left hand side, and then sections tabbed together in the lower right corner this information would be stored and it would reopen neatly sorted like that. 🙂

so not a new function, just an improvement of the current function where it would save and load the window tab information 🙂

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