Posting this on behalf of a customer.
Every time some of the dialog boxes like Line Styles, Annotation categories, Imported categories, etc. are opened, all of the columns appear to be bunched up on the left side of the dialog box. This seems to be happening in all versions of Revit. The users need to take the time to resize the columns in order to read the content clearly. The overall size of the dialog box is remembered but not the induvial column widths.
Once the dialog box is closed, Revit does not remember the adjusted column widths and users need to resize the widths all over again. It would be great if Revit could remember the column widths once they are adjusted and also remember them in-between Revit sessions. This would allow the users to customize the dialog boxes as per their preference once and not have to think about or do it every time they open the dialog boxes.
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