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Regional Date Formats

Regional Date Formats

Revit should have the option to modify the date format throughout the program so that people outside of the US can use the date format appropriate in their country.



For example, within my title box, I am forced to have the date as mm/dd/yy. Contractors in the UK will generally always work with dd/mm/yy, I believe this would also be the case in most of Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, South and Central America, Russia and countries along the north coast of the African continent.


Suggested by Skanska:


Two issues with Date/Time Stamp parameter:

  • Data format - please give us flexibility on how the data is presented,
    like an option to not show the time or change the appearance of the date
    format (01-01-15, 01/01/15, 2015-01-01, Jan 1 2015, etc.)
  • Similar to revision text, the date/time stamp does not respect width
    factor formatting. Please provide width factor formatting based on label
    type in the family editor.

Believe it or not we dont all live in the US (nobody will soon!)


Please add date format to the Project Units so we can set it how we want.


Date Format.PNG

Tags (2)

BTW (OT) :At the moment I'm glad not to live there Smiley Frustrated



@ mark.silock : +1


Date Format Flyout Idea:




PLEASE, this is one of the most absurd things Revit is lacking. I hate the impossibility to add a label displaying the date without the hour too.


The Date/Time system parameter reads information from the computer's operating system. In all the forums I've read, the consensus for removing the "time" portion from the Date/Time stamp is to modify the operating system. In all of these forums, I've read where users are wanting to show the current date as the "Printed Date" or as an automatic method of showing the "Issued Date."



Option 1) Provide a new, and separate, system parameter for "Current Date" without the accompanying "time" information.


Option 2) Provide an option in the Date/Time system parameter to turn off the "Date" or "Time" across the project.



Tags (1)
Not applicable

Changing the windows date setting influence fields that use the date format but the sheet issue date is a text field and is pre-populated using the American date format. Please can you change the sheet issue date to a date field or check the Windows date format before pre-populating it?

Not applicable

loboarch Why was my idea merged with this thread and why am I not able to contact you direct about this? The idea I posted was about a very specific error and should be allowed to stand in its own right.

Not applicable

The sheet issue date for years now has auto filled with the US formatted date. Please add the use of the PC's regional settings...


 I voted for this topic cos it is kinda tedious work on sheets since we wanna put in Japan.

It wouldn't be so difficult to add the regional setting for Autodesk, I reckon!


Да конечно! Давно пора уже исправить это!

Ау, Autodesk!


SO MUCH YES in fact why not adopt system localization settings, so Revit can also adopt region-appropriate decimal points for instance.


Time Zones and Time/date formats should should be part of either unit formats or project location set-up.

(i guess weather is more important feature to have 🙂 )


Time zone and time/date format are a system setting. I believe it would be
best to have a feature to adopt or override these settings as part of the
general Revit settings (file -> options, and then maybe add a new tab for
Regional Settings, or put it under General with a checkbox to use system
settings, a button that opens a window for settings to be used by Revit,
and a preview that shows the settings that are being used).

Non of the automatic generated dates of a metric project which are ever created where right. I think we should all report this as a serious conceptual BUG to get this essential function implemented. It should have been implemented 20 years ago in first release! IMO, when you start from a metric template the default should be at least dd/mm/yyyy. 

It would be nice if it worked like that. Another name for a bug is an
undocumented feature (programmer joke), and you can't 'fix' something that
doesn't exist.

Every Single sheet which we issue must be changed. its a lot of work. 

Community Visitor

same here, Revit should have an international version


5 years later and not implemented? Fully understandable... Autodesk is a small company... and this is a ground braking  feature.

Lol, sarcasm much? 😉
I can see it as a 'day 1 bug' that was implemented in features that work
properly otherwise, and has since become legacy. Revit did come from a
small company and nobody expected it to grow this big. But it would have
been a great idea to implement with the Ribbons redesign for 2012, and I
think dotnet was mature enough back then that plenty of programmers would
be aware of this best practice, while Revit being big enough to be
convenient for all users not from the US.

Rather than pouring over thousands upon thousands of lines of code, I think
it would be easiest to start with the Create Sheet feature, since that's
the most visible and relevant place. Now I need to write a macro that keeps
track of all the created sheets, and changes the date before saving.

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