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Radio Button Parameter Type

Radio Button Parameter Type

Often you have need to have multiple Yes/No Parameters that should be mutually exclusive. Revit doesn't have a function for this. The most common workaround I see is to have an integer parameter, then connect the Yes/No Parameters to the value of the integer. This works, but isn't really intuitive to the end-user.


However, there's already a common programming solution for mutually exclusive groups that that isn't available within Revit: Radio Buttons.


Can we get a Radio Button parameter type? We would need a formula (or some other method) to tell each parameter what group it's a part of. 


For example:

Parameter  |   Formula

Radio 1:     |    =radio_group(1)

Radio 2:     |    =radio_group(1)

Radio 3:     |    =radio_group(2)

Radio 4:     |    =radio_group(2)

Radio 5:     |    =radio_group(2)


So in the example above, I'm imagining that either Radio 1 OR 2 can be selected AND either Radio 3 OR 4 OR 5 can be selected. 


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There is a revit parameter type that can do this, it's called the combo box. Unfortunately, it's only available for built in parameters.


There's a popular idea to fix that however:


Added benefit of the combobox: the have a spotlight filter (when you start typing, the list is filtered). Helpful for really long lists.


Thanks @pieter1. Scrolling down through that thread, I see that people are likening it to Radio buttons. In fact, it looks like one Radio Button Idea was merged with that one. 


A combo box would work for this, but I still think that Radio Button Groups have a place. A combo box seems more suited for long lists of possible entries, especially text, and I really like that idea. But it seems like overkill for simple lists, and it won't get around having to still have Yes/No Parameters.


For example, I have detail items for riser diagrams. These items have three linetypes: New, Existing and  Demo. If I can set up parameters named "New", "Existing", and "Demo", group them together, then all I would have to do is attach the line visibility to each parameter. Simple.


Using a combo box for this is the same method as using the Integer to control the Yes/No parameters, except you can validate the data placed in the Integer. I can do my own rough data validation to prevent the family from breaking with a simple formula. The only real advantage is that it'd be easier to use a text parameter to control the Yes/No Parameters, and that may be more intuitive to the end-user. The user would actually see the words "New" "Existing" and "Demo" and would more easily understand what's going on. But that's still more complicated than radio buttons would be.


@scbunker some good points. I would add your comments to the discussion on that thread so the dev team can take it under consideration.


Reality is that there are over 5000 ideas on this platform. Only a tiny percentage of these will ever make it to the roadmap. The combox idea is in the top 30 highest voted ideas so it has a real shot at being implemented. 



Thanks @pieter1. I agree. I wish there were  away to manage the ideas more effectively. If a mod doesn't merge this with that one, I'll either try to add my comments to that thread or link to this one. 


I agree that Revit needs this. This is about the 10th family I've made that I wanted it for. At least. 

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