Not sure if my description will be the most effeciant way to do what I suggest so if anyone has a better idea for this please reply below.
I would like to see Revit implament something like a project Master file. This file could contain any information that is shared among multiple files like the title block info, but most importantly the Revision list.
Right now we have to go into each file (that contains sheets) and make sure the revision chart information matches. Our firm has Arch, Mech, Plumbing, Stuctural, Interior Design, and Electrical all in house. So for a single building we might have 6 models with active sheets. Some of our project then might have 7+ building types so right there is 42 files + some additional files this can easily surpass 50 files that we need to ensure all have the correct addresses, project #, project status, etc, along with the revision information. So when a new revision is going to go out we have to make sure that all disciplines for each building manually enter the information correctly (Let alone select the correct revision when clouding changes).
It would be awesome if Revit had a master file that all project files could link to or something and Revision information could be pulled from there. That way only 1 person needs to enter the revision data and issued status. This file could also be used for the following
- Project Name
- Project Number
- Project Address
- Project Issue Date
- Project Status
- etc
that way this repeated information does not need to be manually entered on each file over and over again. It would not need to be a large file as all it will contain is basic information/text.