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Please provide a user facing log of who used the Force Relinquish command in a Revit model

Please provide a user facing log of who used the Force Relinquish command in a Revit model

While the Force Relinquish feature is important (and it is absolutely necessary to be able to clear ownership of an element from someone who has left the firm or gone on vacation without fully relinquishing ownership), it is also a dangerous feature and one that can (rightly) stir up tensions within a project team if used improperly. We should be able to see a record of this action's use in a centrally accessible log (perhaps alongside the list of when users have synced with central) to provide both accountability and the opportunity to reach out and explain when it's appropriate to use this feature.


I understand we can find this information in the Revit journal file, but since this action can be performed by anyone with access, not just users actively working in the model, it can be a challenge to locate this information. Please consider making this visible to users with access to edit the model or at least to people with administrative access to the project.

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