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Please fix vector processing printing bug that does not hide MEP hidden lines when I set the parameter "Show Hidden Lines" to “None” in MEP disciplines views.

Please fix vector processing printing bug that does not hide MEP hidden lines when I set the parameter "Show Hidden Lines" to “None” in MEP disciplines views.

This bug has been around in Revit for many many years and the only solution is to use raster processing in print setup option wish I is problematic because the result is like an image.


This is an annoying bug and I can´t Deselect “Draw MEP Hidden Lines” in Manage>Mechanical Settings>Hidden Line because in others views I would like to see those MEP hidden lines.


I remember that in Revit 2015 this problem doesn’t happened. PLEASE solve this issue in Revit PLEASE!!!!!

1 Comment
Status changed to: Implemented


This was implemented in Revit 2022. Thank you for your Idea submission!


-The Factory

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