This idea has been created on the behalf of users from a French company:
Currently some pinned objects such as pinned section views can be deleted depending on how they’ve been selected.
Pinned section views for instance, selected with the command “Select all instances” / “In Entire project”, can be deleted from the model
In such case the following warning appears “Some pinned objects were deleted because their parent or host object was deleted.”
Those same views cannot be deleted with the command “Select all instances” / “Visible in view”.
The expected behavior is that if you directly select an element which is pinned and try to delete it, that Revit will prevent you from doing this while warning you that the deletion was prevented as the object is pinned. This enhancement was introduced in the 2015 version
However, deleting at a parent level will remove pinned elements and a warning informing the user is displayed.
There are a number of methods where pinned elements can still be deleted (such as via selection in schedule views, workset deletion, for instance)
Deleting pinned objects should be simply impossible whatever was the selection method used.