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Pin "Active" Views

Pin "Active" Views

Basically what I'm looking for is a way to keep certain views open when I use "close inactive views". I may be referencing a working floor plan view, a building section sheet and a ceiling plan and I need to verify some information which causes me to open a few details, maybe a couple wall sections. Now say that I have solved one problem now I need to "reset" and start looking into another issue. I will normally select my working floor plan view to make it active and close all other views but then I still need to reference the building sections and ceiling plan so I need to go find the views again in the browser and open them up to start again. It would be nice to be able to right click a view tab and "pin" it or check something that tells Revit that its an active view so when I close all inactive views it leaves the three views I still need open.


Je propose, quand nous utilisons la commande vue en mosaïque que nous pouvons épingler une vue, et les autres peuvent être basculées.


Excelente ideia! obrigado pelo envio @derbel.emnaa 



Yes please, this would be super useful!


Do you keep seeing the main tabs that you are working with disappear off your screen area into the dropdown menu because you had to open another tab?

Having the ability to pin the tabs that are your main tabs in a set location would solve this.

And this would be nice if they stayed pinned if you closed and reopened the same project at a later date. 


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for me, the part 1 of @Mark_Engwirda's combined idea would be the essential one. The pinned "stay visible" views could be kept on the left (if that's easier to code the behavior for, and to me that would make the most sense anyway).


and maybe clicking "Close Inactive Views" twice in a row could override the pins (i.e. unpin all & close inactive)?


@lionel.kai @johnsona I was thinking having them pinned to the left would be logical and that by right clicking on the tab you could have options like pin, unpin,close etc.

Please invite anyone that you might think is interested in this idea, perhaps it should be merged with other tab ideas?


I would love this feature!
Also... how about views that go to second monitor. Would be great to be able to put them as tabs to have them grouped better and be able to switch more convieniently... as of now they simply stack

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