Although a UI-accessible command known as "Pick New Work Plane" exists, it is not accessible through the API as an Element Method, Document Method, or even as a PostableCommand.
Not accessible through API!
For years, we have dealt with the general BIM issue of re-hosting when the architect deletes, moves, or replaces certain walls/faces within their model. I recently attempted to find a solution to automatically rehost elements, but this is only possible by deleting and re-creating the elements. However, it's not even that simple, because our elements are usually attached to an MEP power system. In addition, these elements are often tagged several times on multiple different views. From there, the problem only gets worse, because the tags are hosted to the element (suffering from the same problem as the elements themselves), and must also be re-created instead of simply picking a new host. Finally, this tag re-creation is entirely impossible for the keynote tags.
So, as of now, the addin is:
- Averaging about 5 deletions and re-creations per every 1 element that's rehosted, when it should ideally only call 1 method or change 1 property.
- Forcing the users to handle re-hosting through the UI if the element has a keynote tag hosted to it.
Only Getters... not Setters