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Phasing Rooms

Phasing Rooms



Please allow Rooms to be an element that can be phased and demolished.


Often times, demolition views are set to "Show Previous + Demo" on a Phase filter, and "New Construction Phase" on the Phase. Because the view is set to "New construction, all rooms created on an "Existing" Phase disappear. This becomes problematic when rooms within rooms are demolished (two rooms become one room for a renovation project). The boundaries for the existing room no longer exist, so you can't label that room in a demolition view. 


My company circumvents this issue by creating symbols that look like room tags. This works, except that we have to copy the symbolic room tag across multiple views, which is irritating. 


I was hoping this would change with 2019. If this is not possible to do, please explain how to tag existing rooms when the view is set to Phase, "New Construction."


Thank you, 



@rickt I agree that how demo plans and rooms work now isn't the way it should be.  What I'm saying is that if rooms are treated the same as any other phase-able object when the phase is set to "Show Previous + Demo" and the phase is set to new construction It would show rooms in the previous phase, not the current one, which would allow correct tagging.


That makes sense.  Sorry I wasn't "getting it" before.


Adding Phase Created and Phase Demolished parameters to rooms would solve multiple issues.  The user could determine if they want the room to remain for multiple phases or be replaced by a new room.


Getting the rooms to resize when walls are added or deleted from phase to phase would be a programmatic challenge for Autodesk, but it would certainly make sense to keep the element types consistent.


For Building alterations I require the ability to retain rooms thru different phases & not have to recreate each room/label.

Please add this to the fix list.


Not applicable
I wish that rooms could be phased.
Ideally I would love for rooms to do both of these two things:
1.) It would be great to be able to demolish in a future phase in properties, like walls.
2.)It would be great to be able to schedule existing & new rooms in each phase for finish schedules. The rooms would retain their numbers from phase to phase.


There has been a couple of limitations with the Revit software that has gone on long enough and needs to change. Specifically, the inability for spatial objects (rooms, spaces, etc.) to exist past the Phase in which it was created and be tag-able in Demolition views.


Nearly every other element in Revit has a Phase Created and Phase Demolished parameters. Why not elements like rooms and spaces?


When working on multi-phase projects, the only solution is to copy/paste the rooms or spaces from one phase to the next. This can create a data management nightmare. I know because I worked on a school expansion project that had 8 individual construction phases, and I had to monitor the room names and numbers for over 200 rooms x 8 phases.


I understand the obvious explanation: If there are two adjacent rooms (bound by four outer walls and one demising wall) and the demising wall is demolished for the next phase, then there is a problem with two rooms being in the same enclosed space. 

However, Room Separation Lines can be set to phases like walls, so that's not a valid argument.


What about a room's configuration changing between phases? How will Revit know which Area and Perimeter to report on a schedule? Simple, allow for the user to choose what phase to reference on the schedule.


Suggestion: Update the spatial elements to extend beyond a single phase with Created and Demolished parameters, and allow for the schedule to determine which phase is referenced.


Alternative Suggestion: If we must continue using the copy/paste method, perhaps a way to tie one or more rooms together so Revit can identify them as being in the same space at different times. Room 101 Office remains Room 101 Office until phase 3 then becomes Room 102 Closet.


This limitation has existed in Revit for as long as I've been using the software (over a decade) it's about time this problem is resolved.

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When phasing is introduced to a model rooms have to be created per phase. Allow the room to be like any other element and be available in the next phase if it has not been demolished. Also allow the room to have it's phase created changed. If an area of a design becomes apart of another phase all the work done to create the rooms in that area is lost. Then new rooms have to be created in the added phase. 

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I found the same issue with more suport. Vote it up!


Rooms should have a phase created/phase demolished parameter associated with them AND be able to persist through phases if not demolished.


A plethora of architects would benefit from this change and here is a simple example to explain:

1. I have a new project and i decide to make Phase 1 and Phase 2.

2. I model Phase 1 in Revit and now i have Rooms 101, 102, and 103. I see these rooms in a plan view and I then schedule these rooms for material finishes in Phase 1.

3. I go to model Phase 2, now i just added Rooms 104, 105, and 106. I go to tag all the rooms in the plan and OOPS! Where did Rooms 101, 102, and 103 go???!?!?!

4. The Answer = they stayed right where i created them, in Phase 1. Rooms do not persist through phases and therefore will not show up on plans of a later phase.

5. This is not the end of the complexity. In my Phase 2 Schedule i notice that rooms from Phase 1 are showing up so i try to filter out using any parameter i can. in example lets say i want to filter out every room with a "1" in it's comment parameter.

6. Here's the kicker: rooms in Phase 1 cannot be filtered out in a Phase 2 schedule by this method. 


It's a natural thing to want, when i just built phase 1, Rooms 101, 102, and 103 did not go anywhere. They still exist just like all the walls that form them.


Yes i know you can copy paste rooms from phase to phase. That leads to schedule headaches guys!!!!!


Imagine the capabilities of transferring the meta-data from phase to phase!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyways i realize this may sound like venting but i really want Rooms to have phase created/demolished parameters. This would lead to more intuitive modeling and scheduling thus saving time and headaches.


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Awesome did not see those! really excited for this to be a thing 🙂

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Please add phasing to rooms, I'm begging you. With large jobs, especially public jobs, where the reviewing entity requires a full building assessment and gives aid based on specific room areas and names. Keeping track of two sets of rooms (existing and new) in the early phases and then into CDs is beyond painful. I can't tell you how many times we have verified things in one set and it never made it to the other set.


I'm sure there is a good reason why this hasn't been done yet, but there has to be a way to make it work. 

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Thanks for the heads up, voted. Didn't mean to double up on topics.
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Yes, yes, and YES please.


I am searching the Ideas forum for places to vote for phasing improvements. I've already voted on five ideas to improve phasing for rooms, plumbing, and electrical. All trades need this.


Based on all the Ideas of just searched regarding phasing, there are hundreds and hundreds of votes for fixes to phasing. Phasing is currently one of the most widespread issues that needs addressing.


What also needs phasing:



Electrical Circuits


Please do a search before posting an Idea.

There are at least a dozen similar (if not identical) other posts that show up when searching for "Phase Rooms"

Not applicable
If the problem were resolved, then people wouldn't need to remind the developers to fix it.


That's not my point.

If there are 20 different posts about Room Phasing, then each individual post is likely to get 1/20 of the votes, and the overall concept doesn't seems that important.

This sire works by the number of votes EACH Idea gets. Not by the number of Ideas that are posted.

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