I wanted to create a field in the sheet layouts to color the plans per disciplin. I assigned an integer to use the input to control the yes/no parameters. I wanted the same integer to appear in the sheet layout as well since it is part of the plan code, after loading the sheet layout in the project I assigned the integer as a project parameter of the sheets. the idea was to input this integer parameter in the plan list and accordingly have every sheet take a different color when created for easier sorting. Turn out that the same parameter can be assigned a value in the sheet properties and another value in layout properties.
Although this paramters is a common used parameter, if it is used as a family parameter (sheet layout in this case), it loses its property to be a common used parameter and becomes only a family parameter.
Any solution around this? I can send the file and creat screenshots if needed
PS: creating global paramter and setting both equal to it does not help in this case.