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We have non-rectangular crop regions. Can we please have non-rectangular scope boxes so we don't have to copy/paste the non-rectangular crop region to 30 views.......
Would be neat if you hade more options for the scope boxes. As an example, if you want to create a box showing a room that aren't rectangular or square you'll end up showing stuff you don't want to as it is now.
Given a scope box is a 3D thing I can see how this may get complicated quite quickly, but generally yes a good idea. It would also be really nice to be able to snap to a scope box to rotate etc. Don't really understand why this isn't possible.
Can't believe this hasn't been implemented yet. Why not add useful, actual requests, rather than regurgitating the same broken software in different tones of Blue.
Currently, Scope Boxes are an annotation object that has no capability to snap to other objects or to control their exact size. Additionally, once they are used to define a series of views, updating any of those extents becomes sloppy and maintaining the consistency of boundaries becomes nearly impossible. Finally, when views are defined by scope boxes, the crop boundary data is lost and cannot be used to find any other element within it's area via the extraction of sketch lines (for instance in Dynamo).
Thus, Scope Boxes need to be treated as a geometric object in Revit with boundaries that can be explicitly defined to overcome all of these major problems. Why it is not makes very little sense. This is critical to being able manage views efficiently and to support automation of our overall documentation.
We've completed our review of this idea. After investigating the effort required to implement this request, we unable to add it to our roadmap at this time due to other priorities. However, we think this is a great idea so we will reconsider it as we made adjustments to our roadmap in the future. Thanks for the submission and keep voting!
The Factory
It's been years so I hope this issue is considered NEXT UPDATEnot "FUTURE CONSIDERATION"!
They should modify section boxes to function the same as a void extrusion. That would solve this issue with little to no hiccups. Or maybe just have the option to toggle what a void form cuts, so it cuts model elements and/or other generic masses.
If making scope boxes ACTUALLY non-rectangular... then is it reasonable to ask for crop region to be able to be assigned as "set to a orthogonal view equivalent plane". That is, a view with crop region: have a property of some manner that you set for the view's crop region instead of set to a scope box it sets to the top-plan-view-equivalent-area of a selected scope box?
It does seem ridiculous that a need like this isn't being somehow addressed even though it might be that 100% implementation of non-rectangular scope boxes is a far off thing -- at least implement some reasonable built-in options to 'do the same thing that most people need non-rectangular scope boxes to do'. Thank you.
I am currently using Revit 2018. Wouldn't be nice to have a section box that you can edit to have more than 4 sides like you can a crop view. Are there any plans for that in the future?
Can we have callouts that do the same thing? For "L" shaped buildings, it would great if we can crop out annotation (such as grid line and grid bubbles) out of the callout, however in Revit's current state, the annotation scope box cannot extend past the view scope box. This makes the drawing appear to be bigger than it should be represented.
Since many say that implementing the OP request is hard to do because scope boxes are tied to 3D objects, wouldn't a more customiziable callout be the next best thing?
It would be really helpful if the section boxes operated similar to an extrusion in the family editor, giving the user the option to edit the profile, set the top/bottom height values, and being able to adjust it manually using the grips.
Another good addition would be to allow the creation of multiple 3D section boxes in a view, which could be stitched together if you want to extend the vertical limit of the view in a certain area, similar to using Plan Regions in a 2D view.
I agree that the section boxes should function like an extrusion, and allowing for the creation of multiple section boxes in the same view. Adding both of these features would allow all possibilities for sectioning a 3D view, since the user can customize the profile of the extrusion, as well as creating additional section boxes to extend the height of the section in only a certain area.