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Net and gross sf of room

Net and gross sf of room

Several room functions base their square footage on the net square footage.  It would be helpful to have a secondary way to acquire an alternate area. Right now it either has to be calculated manually, or room separation lines are added which distort the size and shape of the room for other uses (Gross sf, MEP, etc.)


One way to do this would be to have 2 different room seperation lines, a Major and a minor. An added method to get net room areas would be to nest the minor room separation line in the family and activated on a per instance basis to give a net area.  The room calculation point could indicate which side of the family is the desired net area.  This would enable net classroom size (where casework is excluded from the area) to be calculated as the caswork is modeled


While area plans can be used in some cases it requires a lot of rework, and a duplication of information if the information needs to be shown in multiple places.  Often there is a need to tag both the overall SF of a space and the net area of cubicles within it.


Applications of net sf

  • Classrooms and other spaces that require net square footage
  • Cubicles, such as those for patients in ER, phlebotomy and cancer treatment settings, that are required to be a certain size but are defined by curtains and other non-room bounding elements
  • This could also be used to define rooms (net areas) within an apartment (gross area) in a complex.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived

Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.


Having a function to show both net and gross square footage would be extremely helpful given the fact that Reviewers typically need to see NSF whereas Contractors and Engineers typically need to calculate using GSF for quantities and costs.  The single Room Boundary Line is great for creating a boundary, but it would be tremendously helpful to have a secondary bounding linetype to calculate GSF without having to redraw all the linework in a separate plan.  Has this been discussed any further since this question was initially submitted?

I think this might solve your issues- if you agree please share and vote for it!
Rules per view for calculating ROOM Areas

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