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Need ways to represent sculptural detail in Revit and simplify mesh geometry with enabling edges to be hidden

Need ways to represent sculptural detail in Revit and simplify mesh geometry with enabling edges to be hidden

Posting this on behalf of Andrew Milburn, Architect -

"Definitely we need ways to represent sculptural detail in Revit and mesh geometry can play a role. Better tools for simplifying meshes and hiding edges within Revit would be useful."


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Autodesk Support

*Andrew Milburn, Architect


At present, hiding the edges of cad meshes within a Revit Family requires a tedious workaround. The ability to hide edges via a simple check box would be a huge boost to our ability to represent the sculptural detail needed for heritage projects.

Hi, @Viveka_CD and @andrew.milburn ,

Is it ok if I combine this Idea with this existing Idea?

Surface/Mesh Display Options - Toggle or Remove Faceting - Autodesk Community




@kimberly_fuhrman-jones I think this is a more nuanced idea - the other concept seems more about visibility settings.  I took the conversation between @Viveka_CD and Andrew more as being related to dealing with mesh geometry in a more useful way in general.  Mesh cleanup is currently a 3rd party software process, and necessary to even get larger meshes into Revit.  Revit can (sort of) deal with dropping too fine of a line from a DWG file, but if you've got a mesh, you've got a mesh, and if it's got too many vertices you're outa luck.  It'd be a helpful to be able to do some rudimentary smoothing/simplification/decimation within Revit, and ideally toggle that.  It'd probably involve baking-in the data from the decimated version to the Revit file (and swapping between them like different family visibility levels) but that could make less critical reality capture data much less processor intensive to include in documentation.  As it stands I've got useful mesh data that I have to decimate in 3rd party software almost to the point where it's not usefully accurate in 3rd party software and then hope that it's gotten small enough for Revit to not simply refuse to load it.   Converting it into a point cloud only kinda solves the problem in that I kinda wanted the data as a mesh.

Autodesk Support

Hi @kimberly_fuhrman-jones 

I'm so glad that the idea is getting noticed! From following the works of @andrew.milburn  I would say this is a distinct idea that needs some spotlight!

@MKFreiert  @Viveka_CD  Great! Thank you both for the feedback! I will keep this as a separate Idea.

Not applicable

I checked the link, it's impressive. Just have a question - why don't you use another software more suitable for the sophisticated representing purpose? 


@Anonymous long term, Revit (or its successor) needs to seamlessly deal with all of the various workflow tasks we have.  We can swap out families from LOD100 lumps to LOD400ish specific units as design progresses, and we're able to hook in LOD500+ Inventor models, but the end goal of BIM is getting the relevant data to the right folks in a useful fashion.  Mesh and point cloud data is one of those flavors of data sets that needs to hook in, and if I'm only ever going to be utilizing the data in Revit I shouldn't need to reprocess it in a 3rd application which may alter the accuracy of the data vs another user's access to it. If Revit can natively load(link) high density data elements and simplify/decimate them for light weight uses that's a huge boon for having higher LOD BIM able to be a useful reality


@MKFreiert Absolutely.

This would be really useful when creating families from highly detailed manufacturer models. We sometimes need the opportunity to easily reduce these models to an LOD300 so they won't paralyse the whole project after loading them in.

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