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Revit currently permits the creation of multiple shared parameters with the same name. This practice is not ideal, and it is recommended that only one parameter should be allowed per unique name.
Technically a good idea. But it would totally change how shared parameters are created. Now, anyone can create any parameter with any name. If I get 2 families with the same-named parameter (but different UID), it still works and I can re-name them as needed. In your world, how would that actually work? Central parameter control by Autodesk? automatic re-naming of one of the duplicately named parameters?
maybe explain in more detail how you actually want it to work instead of the current way?
Made several posts about Shared Parameters. In short - they are a bad solution for one of Revit's biggest problems. That problem being the (lack of) interaction between Project and Families. Family parameters have to be available in the project. But not all of them. To solve this, a text file with parameters was introduced. A clumsy solution that's badly implemented. Like you can have several files with shared parameters. The file used to add a parameter to a family and / or project, is only used once - at the time you add a parameter to a project or family. After that, the file is never used again. I.e. it doesn't act as a 'link' between project and family. So when you create a new family and want a shared parameter already in the project to be used in the new family, you have to be very sure to use the same shared parameter file (or export it first from the project) or you end up with identical parameters in the project without value. The only way to solve this, is to remove the bad parameter from the families and add the correct one. Nice.
I'm not saying there is no room for improvement... but for shared parameters create you need to have a plan BEFORE you create them and manage them. I have them all in a spreadsheet inc. what units they use. I also name them the same way. it is arbitrary and I capitalize shared parameters and the name starts with "SHARED_". that way in the schedule builder it is very clear what are "my" parameters.
Really the whole way parameters are created, used and displayed in Revit is messy and uncoordinated, there should be a much cleaner solution (AutoCAD Architecture was much better in my opinion).
If the user is able to create multiple shared parameters with the same name, then Revit should display something (their GUID perhaps) so the user can understand the problem and know which one to use.
The issue is that its far too easy to add your data to the wrong parameter.
More something as vital as parameter / data in the BIM world a 'modern' product like Revit should have some sort of Parameter Manager that would allow the user to clean up, fix and generally manage parameters across the project.
This is actually a very workable idea (and would solve a lot of workarounds required in the API).
The root of the problem is Autodesk's lack of asking the end user what they want done in a given situation (it happens all over the place, like when importing details from another file and there are "same name" conflicts on view names and family names between the project and imported entities).
Shared parameters can even have the same name as non-shared Project Parameters as well as Revit's Built-in Parameters. It wouldn't take much to have a parameter name checking/matching sub-routine that could offer up a choice on how to handle duplicate names with different definitions (different sources and/or data types).
Present the duplicate names, the difference (data type and/or definition difference such as GUID or shared vs built-in, or both) then present the options:
Use Existing Project definition (for any that have the same definition and data type) or
Rename imported (and allow definition of a prefix and/or suffix by the user to indicate the difference such as "_Text" or "_Shared" or both if both definition and data type differ.
Most likely a different GUID but the same data type would be one that a user would like to convert to use the one defined in the project so it would be easily incorporated, while everything else would get a suffix so the end user could find and fix the conflicts themselves.
Yes, this would require Revit to "edit" the incoming family(ies) to replace the parameter but it usually has to update the family(ies) anyway since not everyone maintains multiple family libraries for each version of Revit they have in use.