Multiple Light sources would allow for multiple photometric files in a Lighting Fixture family.
Possible Use Cases :
- Track Lights, especially where aiming is needed/required.
- Area Lights (parking lots) where it's common to have multiple lighting fixtures on a single pole-top.
- Certain kinds of Emergency Lights (bug-eyes and similar).
It's presently possible to handle these cases using a Light Source in a nested Family. But that approach has it's challenges and limitations (as of Revit 2022).
- Using a non-shared nested source.
- Cannot edit the Photometric Web file at the project level (must go into the family editor).
- Using a shared-nested source.
- Possible to edit the IES file at the project level, but not intuitive.
- Changing the IES file for the Shared family affects all other families that use that Shared Family.
- Creates a challenging work-flow for editing the Photometric File on a per Type basis, at the project level.
- Existing challenges with not nesting the source.
- Limited to a single photometric file.
- Difficult to aim sources precisely, at the instance level, in 3 dimensions.
- Aiming is critical for things like Track Lights.
- The Tilt Angle parameter does not solve the problem (fully) becasue it only tilts in one dimension, and is a Type Parameter.
- Really need a way to specify/schedule aiming in X-Y (azimuthal angle), in addition to Tilt Angle.
- Need a way to do this, parametrically, for multiple sources.
Thank you for your consideration.