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Multiple Light Sources in a single Family, without nesting.

Multiple Light Sources in a single Family, without nesting.

Multiple Light sources would allow for multiple photometric files in a Lighting Fixture family.


Possible Use Cases : 

  • Track Lights, especially where aiming is needed/required. 
  • Area Lights (parking lots) where it's common to have multiple lighting fixtures on a single pole-top.
  • Certain kinds of Emergency Lights (bug-eyes and similar).


It's presently possible to handle these cases using a Light Source in a nested Family.  But that approach has it's challenges and limitations (as of Revit 2022).


  1. Using a non-shared nested source.
    • Cannot edit the Photometric Web file at the project level (must go into the family editor).
  2. Using a shared-nested source.
    • Possible to edit the IES file at the project level, but not intuitive.
    • Changing the IES file for the Shared family affects all other families that use that Shared Family.
    • Creates a challenging work-flow for editing the Photometric File on a per Type basis, at the project level.
  3. Existing challenges with not nesting the source.
    • Limited to a single photometric file.
    • Difficult to aim sources precisely, at the instance level, in 3 dimensions.
      • Aiming is critical for things like Track Lights.
      • The Tilt Angle parameter does not solve the problem (fully) becasue it only tilts in one dimension, and is a Type Parameter.
      • Really need a way to specify/schedule aiming in X-Y (azimuthal angle), in addition to Tilt Angle.
      • Need a way to do this, parametrically, for multiple sources.


Thank you for your consideration.

Community Visitor

Yes! This would be very helpful!

Voted, but I would prefer that "nested - not shared" families worked. To fix that the IES web parameter type needs to be able to be added manually so it would be possible to have the host family have several parameters for the web which would then be linked through to nested families. The reason for having nested families work is that this allows better control of the position and aiming of the nested family, in the track lights example for instance.


@MichaelWarwick7522Yes.  I agree.  That would be much better.

Community Visitor

A single luminaire family could have multiple light sources, but one photometric file composed of several luminous boxes. This is being proposed by the TM-33 and GLDF photometric file formats. Hence, a multiple light source fixture would be actually understood as a group of single luminaires, each having its own photometric file. Does this make sense?

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