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Multi user access on working with revisions in worksharing files

Multi user access on working with revisions in worksharing files

On behalf of a customer from Germany let me post the following wish: Make more flexible the work with revisions in worksharing files and this way allowing that multiple use can work on revisions at the same time.

Currently only one person can works on revisions and the next one have to wait until the model is synced.



I fully aggree to this wish... but for us it is more something really necessary!

As we are working in big teams on big projects, but only one is able to make changes to the Revisiontable... costs lot of time only for waiting to ask a collegue to synchronize and then synchonize my model to be able to make changes.


From my point of view - making the decision to make sheet-Revision by project or sheet is like, working with worksharing or not. You can not switch between worksharing and a stand alone model... 


When I make the decision for sheets, it should be easy to handle one revision schedule per sheet... as we desided...


maybe you will not believe, but we loose hundrets of hours only for synchronizing to organize sheet-management in big projects.

Everybody of the product design is highly wellcome to work with us to see this painfull issue.

Community Visitor

I totally agree: it's a common problem in both ACC and REVIT within a company. If the model contains plan sheets for several floors and several technical areas, no matter how much manpower you have, you cannot edit plans simultaneously that are completely separate in terms of content and representation. Teamwork through a virtual "serial port": a complete waste of time...

There can hardly be anything more frustrating during deadlines.

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