Rather than rely so heavily on the Shared Parameter file... ADSK should just add in (lots of) industry standard parameters as Built-In parameters. The shared parameter file is (was) a necessary evil to coordinate tags and families.
- Build in more parameters to the family templates. Not things like "Frame Width" in the door template that can't be scheduled or tagged.
- Eliminate project based parameters like "Frame Material" from doors that is created when the family is loaded. These belong in the family template so they can be preset. Everyone just ignores this parameter anyway. Gibberish.
- More project based info. How about all the code information as fields that can be used for calculations. Right now I have to make a bogus schedule for Analytical Nodes to I can create this sort of data. How about a project team directory I can place on the titleblock?
- Add more tag templates to resolve the coordination of Built-In parameters. For each family template category, there should be a tag template.
- Simple stuff like NCS discipline and discipline designators for sheets? Why have every firm make there own parameter with a different name and GUID? How about an index number and sheet x of y for sheet numbering.
- OpenRFA.org tried to control the shared parameter Tower of Babble, but it isn't too progressive and the information there is thin and not really going anywhere.
- Maybe just start with the crappy parameters the government wants? They area idiotic, but the Corps wants then. Everyone making these as shared parameters with different GUID is stupid.
- A cloud hosted parameter database of shared parameters to maybe give the industry a little more consistency. No really one uses manufacture created families because it takes longer to clean up the parameters than to do it yourself.
- The parameters are the object model. They are the I that make BiM BIM.