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Model Hatch alignment in families

Model Hatch alignment in families

At the moment it is not possible to align the hatch pattern of a material in a family once the family is loaded into a project. For instance is your family has a brick material and brick model hatch you will want to have the hatch aligned to have full size bricks, but the current problem is that when you try to align the hatch in the family, it moves the whole family and the hatch position remains unchanged.


Please make the model hatch pattern of a family editable once loaded into a project.


Great suggestion!


I've had this issue come up already 4 times in the past month in a residential project we have.

Hopefully this can be fixed!


Can't believe this is the first time I come across this issue. I knew I couldn't align patterns on Curtain Panels, but never encountered this limitation on other loaded families. Shouldn't be that hard to implement right?


3 years since this idea has been raised and no noticeable action taken still.

I also consider this to be an important feature.

In a current job we are needing to use several wall sweeps to model soldier courses whereas if this feature was possible we could have just add that to the window family.


@Anonymous , please make this happen.

I t is very sad how little importance Autodesk places in their users.
@jagostinho74you are right, 3 years a not a peep from Autodesk.

Community Visitor

How has this not been addressed? The only ways to "work-around" this problem are immensely time-consuming! You can't even instance-parameter the level of the pattern within the Family...not with a direct constraint OR locking a line to a reference line with it's own parameter. AND the patterns come in a weird arbitrary heights. The thing is, there are no circumstances where the current behavior is beneficial. This isn't Revit trying to anticipate and providing a feature, this is a flaw. This is a software glitch. Poor coding. ALL WE NEED is for the model hatch to behave like any other model hatch when the family is loaded into a project. 


Please update this!


It would be incredibly helpful to be able to do this. Please make this change!


does anyone know a workaround for this?

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