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Material placement in family creation

Material placement in family creation

It would be great to be able to align and lock the placement of a material's asset image on a surface/face when working in the family editor environment.

Some background. I am working to create a large library of Revit families, many of which rely on the accurate placement of the material asset. When creating the material, the asset is defined and a model pattern is assigned. The model pattern is used to align and lock the position of the material image relative to the surface geometry without any issues or warnings appearing (Revit allows you to constrain a model pattern to reference lines/planes in the same plane as the face). If however the family geometry is controlled parametrically (relative to the host place), the constrained material placement becomes redundant as soon as these parameters are changed. This is an unexpected behaviour.

It would be great to resolve this in an upcoming hotfix.  If you have experience similar and have any tips, please reach out.

Relating to Autodesk support incident ID: 219456

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