Everyone around the world uses their own system of parameters and subcategories, in their own language and units. I'm happy to see that a lot of them is willing to share their home made families on platforms like Revitcity. Also, some partners and resellers like to share components that can be very useful. However, as soon as I import a 3rd party family, my project gets cluttered with parameters, subcategories (and more) used only in that particular family.
That makes it hard to select the correct parameter to schedule, to find the correct line type to draw with, etcetera.
Wouldn't it be nice if Revit asks the use whether he/she would like to map all the parameters in the family to shared or project parameters of your choice?
Revit could of course remember those mappings, based on the GUID (if it's a shared parameter) of the name, so on a next import of a 3rd party family Revit would make some suggestions to speed things up a little.
The same goes for fill patterns, line types, and all other garbage that come along with the import of families.