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make tags select only taggable items

make tags select only taggable items

When using a tag, revit selects literally any item you are hovering near; This slows down the computer and the makes tagging a nightmare. There needs to be a setting such that if you are tagging ceilings, only ceilings are selectable for that tag. The same with MEP fab duct tags, room tags, etc. Having revit cycle through every visible item is truly a waste of computer resources and time.


Agreed. I generally use the temporary isolate category (or elements) option then select all and use the "Tag All" funtion. Or you could select all in view and filter out your selection before "Tag All" function.


generally, i do this to, but ... the drawings on some of these contracts are so cluttered. i need to tag manually with free ended tags. the selection cycling is a complete pia when doing it that way.


Agreed, they should just make the filter button appear when you run the tag by category. It seems so simple to implement.

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