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Lookup tables option : in the family or in the "LookupTables" directory

Lookup tables option : in the family or in the "LookupTables" directory

Since the version of Revit 2012 (it seems to me) Autodesk has changed the Lookup Tables system.

Before, the Lookup Tables were in a directory.
Now the Lookup Tables are directly integrated into families.

This has the advantage that the Lookup Tables file always follows the family, but on the other hand it creates a disadvantage that if a Lookup Tables is used in several families and I want to modify this Lookup Tables, it must be reloaded in all families .

While with the old method, "Lookup Tables in a directory", if you modify a value of a Lookup Tables, all families are updated.


Autodesk should allow users the choice to use both solutions.
Perhaps with an option in the formula syntax of Lookup Tables.

1 Comment

Could not agree more. Lookuptables have made our internal workflows way more efficient and could not imagine a working without them. There are tools the allow you to update multiple families at once including the lookup tables but such tools should really be native. We are more towards cloud based parameters, why not cloud based lookups? 

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