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I can see how that would be useful. It would help with seeing how well trucks can maneuver through a garage structure. Or may a multi-story parking garage is being designed in Revit. AVT could help with this considerably.
nowadays vehicle tracking solutions are the main part of the logistics domain. because of it very helpful for the fleet owner to get the complete solution like fuel, driver behavior etc
This is really useful as architects because it allows us to quickly see whether vehicle Manoeuvring is possible with all our constraints applied to the site. I'm thankful we have it in Autocad with each Countries Standard.. But this is the current workflow which is slow:
(5-10 minutes) Using Autocad: (Per Diagram)
1) Export a DWG from Revit
2) Run the swept path manouvre in CAD
3) reimport the DWG into revit.
4) Tinker the layers that are visible so it's only the vehicle/truck visible
5) Rinse repeat if you have multiple design options.
it would be very much appreciated to have VT in REVIT. The workflow, described in one of the comments below is a pain and brings even more extra work, when the REVIT model is changed after re-importing the vehicle track in 2d from AutoCAD. Dear Autodesk, Please put it on your AGENDA.