I was excited when first using Toposolids as site grading would now finally be as logical as it was 15 YEARS AGO in Autocad Architecture. Even have hatch lines on the surface and many other improvements over Toposurfaces! But unfortunately it has FATAL flaws so I will stay with Revit 2023.
1. It is very difficult to change elevation points, some are impossible. A fatal flaw is that they can only be moved by unpinning the Toposolid which opens the door to moving the whole site. Toposurfaces can be pinned so the site cannot move but elevation points easily moved.
2. If an elevation point is on the edge of a void, ex. to create a basement, the cut cannot be made. If the point is moved, the cut can be made. If the point is moved back the void will not work again. As elevation points are often set at the EDGES of objects, this is a problem. It appears to affect split surfaces as well, which also seem to be much more difficult to make - lots of failed attempts.
3. Only seeing triangulation lines and not topo lines while editing. Impossible condition.
4. The elimination of Pads is a major mistake. Was the point to make things more difficult? Cutting the Toposolid with voids and making it more like other masses is the right direction, but without a completely thought through system it would have been better to delay the release. Or simply allow both to exist?