Give us the option to export images already as an OLE object or whatever is needed for them NOT to be external references. And with NO borders, please.
This is so annoying and time-consuming to fix.
These external images complicate our lives when we work with CDEs and need to upload both PDF and DWG versions of every sheet. And of course, it messes up our folders.
Whenever we jump to AutoCAD to fix this, it gets annoying again. It's 2024 and AutoCAD STILL does not have a simple command to convert this attachements into an OLE object or whatever in a quick way. I feel like a dinoussaur trying to fix such a simple thing.
Identify drawings in the model space.
I LOVE that Revit creates all the viewports and everything, but we spend lots of time trying to identify which drawing is what in the model space.
Just put a rectangle around it with the DETAIL NUMBER and the VIEW NAME and or TITLE ON SHEET somewhere.
Allow multiple Sheets in ONE dwg file.
I don't think this needs further explanation.
Thanks! 😃