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It would be nice to have an option to "Hide in View and Dependent View" along with the hide in view option. It's very inefficient to hide in the parent view and then have to hide in the dependent view.
The primary view (uncropped) is where the editing and annotating work is done. The dependent views are created to represent various areas of the primary plan & cropped for fit & placement on sheets. During fast-paced editing sessions where something "in view" needs to be hidden, selecting the item plus "hide in view" makes me think I've completed the necessary task. Later, I find that element has not been hidden on the sheet view.
To remedy this condition, I would like to see the addition of a "hide in view & all dependent views" command.
i found a post/idea from 2017 about 100% dependent views but couldn't find out, whether the idea was pursued further. The main problem we have in our bueros is the fact, that if I hide an Element in the dependent view in Revit, the element is still visible in the main view.
This is really annoying if you have a big project with multiple plan layouts. We have to edit every single plan multiple times. Is there a possibility for future Revit builds to implement a check button, so the Parent and Child have and share the exact same information? Or would it be possible to make a another option in the "Duplicate View" tab, so there is a real parent and child function like "complete dependent views" or something?
This would be a great function and would save a lot of time and would make the procedure more efficient.
I'm sorry if there are other relative posts about this topic that I missed or didn't found or if there are already future plans for this kind of feature