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Have Workshared Models saved on ACC template files remain workshared when a new project is created using the template

Have Workshared Models saved on ACC template files remain workshared when a new project is created using the template

Please make it possible to have Workshared Models saved on ACC template files remain workshared when a new project is created using the template. The way ACC templates works currently is that it will just make a NON-workshared copy of the workshared files saved to the ACC template. This is completely pointless since the non-workshared copy can not even be opened in Revit. I would LOVE to use a feature like this to use on ACC projects for training that I often need to recreate for each training session.

The option to quickly make a copied file workshared would also be a nice alterative. (eg a button on the ACC web interface for "initiate worksharing") At the moment the only way to make an ACC copied model workedshared is to download a copy from ACC, open it in Revit, and initiate cloud worksharing.


100% THIS!


Templates exist to save us time and this does not save us time.


100 percent agree! What the heck.


@ToanDN Do you know anybody in Autodesk that we could tag so that we can push this up the priority list?

Community Visitor

This would be a helpful timesaving feature for many. Autodesk please

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