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Halftone name of unused family/family type/group in project browser

Halftone name of unused family/family type/group in project browser

Imagine project browser in which you immediately can see which family, family type or group is not used in the project because it is halftone/greyed out.


It would be helpful to have an indication of some kind in the Project Browser for Families actually in use in the project. Like Civil 3D has for certain items in use. This is especially useful in MEP models. Possibly be able to sort families by in use/not in use.


Love your idea.  Like make used types BOLD or something.  I think Purge Unused can be used to display which content is not placed in the model.


An "in use" indicator would be extremely helpful, particularly during model clean-up and transmittal.


Also, it would help to know where some items are being used. For example, it is not possible to right-click & delete a family from the project browser if the family is used in a Legend view. Knowing that a family is in use would be great. But if you right-click on a family in the project browser and could choose something like "create report" showing each view (legend or not) in which that family is in, that would be like heaven for new BIM managers who may not necessarily know that Revit hides certain things from everyone in a variety of ways.


I don't know about halftone, as that generally means "locked" or "un-editable" in Revit. But some sort of visual cue would definitely be nice.


If they could implement something similar to the new "view placed on sheet icon" implemented in 2023 that would be great. If you could toggle it on and off that would also be great.


How about italics for as yet unused entities?


Perhaps the blue/empty box used in Revit 2023 for placed/unplaced views?


as mentioned before...

same idea and wish about "view places on sheet"

as doing these things in Colour/Icon-view or/and textstyle change...

would be all good solutions for visible information


Why? Just purge unused.


1. Purge on large project takes quite some time to open.

2. You don't always want to purge, often you just want info which family / family type is unused to be able to manage it properly.

3. The information in already there, via context menu - Select all in project -> type count in properties pane. This idea only suggest pulling it up in a way that is more accessible.



At our firm we split our models into each building on site and then each discipline (A, S, M, E) then link them all together and make sure all links are on worksets that match that name of each link, in every model. Then when you open the project you can specify which worksets (links) you need to open and see. The model opens a lot faster! And you only have to purge the stuff that is specific to your model. The downside is that you'll have to purge in each model separately. Maybe that won't work for you but that is the best way to speed up your model when opening.

We also use "purge protection drafting views" where we put all the detail items we don't want purged. I don't understand the need to have the project browser show us what is unused. 

However, I do think it would be cool to have a number in the front that designates how many of each thing is being used in the model. So I guess all the unused items could show with a dash or zero as their quantity. Lol so I guess I agree but would rather there be a quantity on each item.


My idea is to enhance the user experience of Revit by introducing a new feature that allows users to quickly identify whether a model-group has been used in the model or not. This feature will be implemented as a check-box.


good idea

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