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Guide Grids for Legends/Drafting Views

Guide Grids for Legends/Drafting Views

I would like to suggest expanding the use of Guide Grids to Legends and Drafting Views in a way that their internal lines can be used to align objects, texts, lines... This will speed up the creation of 2D content.

Thank you for your attention and support!

Not applicable

You can kind of do this now. Use reference planes in your legends and drafting views as alignment planes and when you drop them onto a sheet, you can pick the reference plane as an object to move them and align with other sheet lines or views.


Hi Gulizia. 

Thank you very much for the suggestion. 

This is the current workflow I use. I believe that with the Guide Grids the workflow can be optimized speeding up the process resulting in time saving.

Thank you once again! 🙂


it is not possible since Revit 2020+ or 2021+.

Option of showing work plane grids on legends view is greyed out and not selectable.

(It can be visible, only if revit file is 2019 or older and updated and that was selected before update, then legend view will have that option, but still then it can't be turn off).


So yea turning guide grids in legends/drafting views, would be amazing.

(Or at least giving back old option from 2019 or older Revit)

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