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Grid Head - different Symbol at Scales Coarser Than...

Grid Head - different Symbol at Scales Coarser Than...

Some overview drawings are made at such small scales, that grid heads become unnecessary big. IIt could be a handy feature, if one could have the possibility to define a different Grid Head Symbol for Views coarser than a chosen scale.



Grid Heads.PNG


Proposed new Type Parameters for Grids:

- Tickbox: Different symbol at views coarser than...

- Drop-down menu: Choose View Scale

- Drop-down menu: Choose Grid Symbol (for the coarse views)

Not applicable

In this case ,it seems you just need to be more familiar with 2D vs 3D extents. If it keeps getting smaller at 1:500 scale, it will be unreadable.


At 1:300-1:500-1:1000, I usually hide all grids except a few ones on the edges of the building.


I don't think it necessarily needs to "keep getting smaller", but if I could set a different (maybe a halfsize) grid head for an overall plan or even a key plan, for example, that would be awesome! Or, just like I wish we could have different Section Heads per View, having different Grid Heads (per view) would be an interesting option... or being able to create different representations WITHIN the family - maybe through something similar to "Family Element Visibility Settings" w/ scale, view direction, etc.:

R2018 - Family Element Visibility Settings (proposed Grid).png

Not applicable

The above image does makes sense, but I also fear it would make families overly complicated for a very few useful scenarios.


I would also make it go between scales, so tag A is visible between scale 1:1 to 1:50 and tag B is visible between scale 1:51+ to infinity


That's why, the more I think about it, I think putting the functionality WITHIN the family would be the best solution, since by default it would just display one symbol in all views (and wouldn't add more complexity for most users). Though adding properties to the Grid type (in the project) would make the feature more discoverable, you would need to hardcode the number of symbols that you allow - what if someone wanted more than 2? If it's in the family, you could make as many as you want (though I can't imagine having more than 3 would be necessary).

And the dialog above would also need some checkboxes to indicate whether the selected scales were inclusive or not (per @Anonymous's example - a way to say 1:51+ or "coarser than" 1:50), otherwise there would be a risk of someone making a custom scale between the ranges in the family...

Not applicable

Thanks for the replies, guys.

It's a good idea to make it a family parameter, so it would happen automaticaly in the project.


Frankly, I think all suggestions would work for me. I will leave the rest to the developers on how they would think it's least complicated for the user.


The goal is to make it possibile to change annotation heads size through scales - in one or another way. 🙂

Not applicable

Ok, so there are three solution to this, not requiring any updates from Autodesk:


1-Set up the grids manually, like in the image you show, just pull up Grid 22 so that it does not interfere with the others next to it. This is not a problem. Then use the 'Propagate Extents' button to align your grids in the same way for similar parallel views.


2-On large plans, site plans, you have two options

2a-Hide all the grids, except the corner ones

2b-Use a 2d annotation symbol for a grid bubble and use lines to draw fake 2D grid lines. Then save these as a group, pin it and propagate it onto other desired views. For us, this is only needed on 2-3 views per project.


Basically, we use to do 100% of work the stupid 2D fake way (AutoCAD), so I'm totally fine doing 1% of the work in this manner.


Great wishlist item!

Here is another similar one along the same topic:

Let's make sure we vote all of these up to get a result! 


Similar idea, but using Detail Level instead of Scale: annotation symbols


please give us annotation scale option for 2d symbols like in AutoCAD

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