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Flipping the side of a Pick Wall sketch line for floors/ceilings/roofs should NOT affect the whole chain

Flipping the side of a Pick Wall sketch line for floors/ceilings/roofs should NOT affect the whole chain

Can we please remove this limitation of picking one side (interior or exterior) of one wall, when sketching a floor, roof or ceiling, causing the entire chain of sketch lines to be locked to either the interior or exterior?  Quite often I have a rectangular single-slope roof with a parapet on only 3 sides.  Those 3 sides need to have the wall pick lines on the interior side of the wall, but the 4th side needs to have it on the exterior side of the wall.  Sometimes I can "trick" it by picking the interior of one wall and the exterior of another non-adjacent wall.  But often one of the adjacent sketch lines will be locked to the side I don't want it on.  Hitting the flip arrow flips the side of multiple sketch line segments.


The pick wall location and flip arrow really should be changed to a per-sketch-line basis only.

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