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Fix schedules placed on sheets not updating

Fix schedules placed on sheets not updating

A lot of our users run into schedules placed on sheets (i.e material take-offs, the sheet list etc) not updating on the sheet, even though the correct values are displayed if viewing the schedule directly. This does not happen all the time of course, but it shows up now and again. This is potentially disastrous, say if one revises a reinforcement schedule, but the sheet that gets printed and sent to the client still displays the old values. It also undermines basic trust in the software from our users. One can force an update by e.g slightly modifying the column width (or restarting Revit) but the real issue is in realizing the failure to update.


I can appreciate that a bug like this might be hard to isolate, but it seems like a fundamental issue that must be resolved.

Seconded. I've had one too many area schedules and indexes published with incorrect information due to this bug.

@rasmus.oberg This does sound like it is a bug and although it sounds like it has been around for a while, our product teams are requesting that a support case be filed so that they can investigate the issue. Filing a support case would be your best course of action. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.


How to create a Technical Support case for Autodesk software | Revit Products | Autodesk Knowledge N...


Still present in version 2023. Unbelivable.

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