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To be clear, you want this to show once the family is placed and only when selected?
You could place a couple of invisible lines in the family that intersect on the origin point, and they'll highlight blue when the family is selected in project with all of the other line work.
I have to ask why though? Seems a bit unnecessary.
Yes, exactly. Just like when a group is selected, the insertion, origin point, whatever it's called is displayed.
One example is counter tops for kitchens, kitchen islands and baths. Depending on the orientation of the casework, if the origin point is located at the inside wall corner, it's easy to adjust the length of the countertop as an instance parameter. If the countertop is copied to be used in another space and the orientation is different, it's useful to know which direction changing the length instance parameter will effect.
Placing invisible lines in the family is a good suggestion, thank you. It works for counter tops, but haven't experimented with other families. But, it is another work-around, and isn't as useful or as simple as having a single origin point displayed when the object is selected.
Yea but I don't want my views cluttered up with origin points when I'm selecting families. For something like this, where its not an objective case of "this is what's best for everyone", or at minimum helps some people and doesn't affect everyone else, then its up to the user to customize their experience. Its not a workaround. Its customization to fit your personal needs/wants.
I agree with @mhiserZFHXS as this is a personal preference for each user whether they want this or not.
In my case, if I want to some how indicate the origin of a family I will create a small X shape using invisible detail lines through the origin and pin the lines, you can also set them to not a reference. then in project when you select the object you can see the invisible lines.
In the family, reference planes can be set as origins in X, Y and Z axis. Do you always put your insertion symbol at this intersection? Do you use some other point in the family not related to the reference plane origins?
Why not have some symbol that indicates the intersection of the reference plane origins? It could even have a visibility option in the family. Several years ago Revit introduced the ability show the name of a reference plane when the family is highlighted in the project. Very useful. Showing an origin symbol would be building on this function.
@mpukas yes the symbol is placed at the intersection of the reference planes set to origin.
What I have shown accomplishes exactly what you are asking using existing functionality.
When you hover over or select the family you will see the X. The ref planes are still there but the lines making the X are set to not a reference so you cannot select the lines themselves. They are just an indicator.