What currently happens?
- When a family editor receives a family (manufacturer or other) where the family category is
incorrect there is a lot of manual work involved to move the family to the new, preferred family
category. - All elements that were previously assigned to proper subcategories are transferred on to one
single category which is the main family category. We then need to delete previous subcategories,
change family category, create new subcategories and manually re-assign have to manually every
line work and geometry element individually to move it it’s new subcategory. - The current workflow process of changing family category is impractical and creates an unwarranted amount of repetitive re-work that should be able to be automated using in-house Revit features.
What we need, instead
Scenario: If a user decides to change the family category of a family:
- We need all custom subcategories from existing Family Category (A) to move to the new Family
Category (B) - Ideally there should also be an option to allow Revit to force nested families on to the new nominated
family category as well or to leave them on their existing family category. (Users need the choice. E.g. of where option might be relevant: Nested taps (plumbing) in a vanity(casework) family.)
Example: Please see attached image. Manufacturer furniture content is often created in "Furniture" or the "Furniture Systems" category. Sometimes we need to switch these family categories. Having every single element moved onto the main Family Category during this process makes it's a risky clean-up endeavor since sometimes there may be multiple elements on top of one another that should be assigned to different subcategories. This process is unforgivably inefficient at present and I am confident that the developer team could find a way to solve this problem if they realized how much it impacted family creation and family management workflows.
This is a very old and familiar complaint amongst peers in our industry. Please vote to support this important request!