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Extraction of Piping Isometrics and BOM from Revit

Extraction of Piping Isometrics and BOM from Revit

Revit gives users numerous options to model piping for plumbing, HVAC etc. Once the piping is modeled the piping isometric extraction is way too primitive compared to Autodesk Plant 3D or other plant design software in the market. Most of our customers expect a very detailed piping isometric drawings giving the complete fabrication details, BOM, piping parameters etc. We have tried to convince our customers to switch over to Autodesk Plant 3D for piping portion, but none of them agree as they want an integrated 3D model in only Revit. We feel that Piping isometric extraction has to be improved a lot in Revit so that piping isometrics can be extracted in line with what we get from Autodesk Plant 3D.

Not applicable

We do have App available in Autodesk App store, but we do not want to invest again on a software just to extract isometrics. It should be part of the Revit package itself.


Entendemos que Revit puede crecer y aportarnos unos isométricos ya que , para industrias, no solo se trabaja con tuberías , el plant 3D no se integra bien con la modelación obtenida de otros programas y el revit, no acepta , de forma transparente , los modelos que vienen de Revit. Dotar a Revit de la posibilidad de hacer isométricos , permitiría una integración transparente de las instalaciones MEP y la edificación, sin descartar la generación de planos para el desarrollo del piping. 

Las importaciones en ambos sentidos ( Revit - Plant 3D ) dejan las entidades sin la información introducida tras su ejecución.

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