Etransmit is a very useful tool to export files with some cleaning process involved. Somehow it could be better.
- it should be possible to save all the parameters of an export (all the options AND the file name and location..) and name it to retreive that in a list in a future export. Working with multiple projects would be more easier, no need to reset the adress of the export folder each time. And if those parameters could be integrated in the Revit file, like the printing preferences, it would be awesome.
- in the cleaning options, it would be fine to purge also the drawing options.
- in the option to purge all the sheets, it would be interesting to choose the only view we want to keep in the file, not only the type of views for when I export my file to someone who just need the 3d file for thermal analysis in another software for example.
Any other ideas, Revit users ??