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Enable relocating internal origin point

Enable relocating internal origin point

One major issue we experience in large project with many links, is that we cannot relocate internal origin in revit.

This means we cannot realign origin point sonce the project is well underway. THIS HAS TO CHANGE!! 🙂 

Please enable moving the internal origin point!!!


That is what Shared Coordinates are for.



And no, shared coordinates don’t solve the issue of realigning internal origin.

sorry sir.


Shared Coordinates are for aligning multiple links to a, guess what, a common shared coordinates system.  With that functionality, moving Internal Origin is a moot point. 


On top of that, Internal Origin, as the name suggests, is THE origin of a model.  Things move around the Origin.  Origin does not move around things.

Thanks for the course on shared coordinates man.
Been using this feature for more than 10 years.
You are missing the point.
Please comment feeds on features you want and leave this one if not interested.

@glallier wrote:

Thanks for the course on shared coordinates man.
Been using this feature for more than 10 years.
You are missing the point.
Please comment feeds on features you want and leave this one if not interested.

You are welcome!

And good luck with this idea...  Because you will need a lot of it.


@glallier  - Can you provide some working examples of why you need to move the internal origin, rather than use Shared Coordinates?

I'm having a hard time understanding why your idea is worthwhile and deserves my vote.

I apologize for my last post. It was uncalled for.
I am looking for more flexibility on large specific existing projects in terms of positioning when project start was done wrong.
Precision: I am in a 200+ Architects firm and our projects are large multi-phase/multi-building. All our models are typically geo-referenced using survey cad, have shared coordinates applied, geodesic levels and automatically generated toposurface.
Topo surface points elevations always are referenced by internal origin. No matter what you do, a new topo point will be at the same distance to the internal Origin (IO) as its elevations says, even if you apply shared coordinates, if you move survey or project base point.
So we use internal origin as 0 level elevation. Not project base or survey.
Also, GC BIM manager often require that all Internal origins of all models from each discipline be at same IO.
So when the project does not start as it should with all discipline, simply relocating the Internal origin would be a game changer.
On the other hand, if you don't need to move it, just don't. But right now we are stuck with conceptual idea that it "needs" to be fixed.


I agree with this idea, but making it clear about what is "moving" the internal origin. Autodesk is not the only software developer in the market, and in most cases, internal origin is what guides a model position. Even in AutoCAD, if you displace the model, you can "move the origin".


My suggestion would be to change from "Relocate internal origin" to "Relocate the model relative to the internal origin". This way, you could relocate the model, but choosing one of: IO, Shared Coordinates or (why not) both.


Please, is there any way to move the Internal Origin of a model? Thanks very much,


i have the same problem.  looking forward for the answer


Hi Bianca,

The short answer is no. The only answer I have found is to do just the opposite. All model components, the base point and survey point would need manually moved to be on to the internal origin, for each model and CAD-link. This point is held static by the program and cannot move, as opposed to the ACAD's ability to do so with the "BASE" command which relocates the internal origin. Alternatively, we are exploring altering our workflow and inserting the models Base Point-to-Base Point instead of the Internal Origin-to-Internal Origin but still would also require adjustment of every model's and CAD files base point location... all based on the Main (Master) Models internal origin. 

Hope that helps, have a wonderful day!

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