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Electrical Circuit schedule should allow direct selection of the circuit to make edits

Electrical Circuit schedule should allow direct selection of the circuit to make edits

At the top of the screen, on the ribbon, Highlight in Model is greyed out when in an Electrical Circuit schedule and a row is selected.


This button could be changed to "Highlight in System Brower" or keep it the same button and open the system browser instead of being greyed out.


Having a schedule of every circuit in the model is very convenient but if I can't actually do anything to the circuits from the schedule it's not quite what I need. I have to go and find the circuit manually which is a workflow that could be improved.


I'm using a plugin for cable calculations that requires the circuit to be directly selected before the ribbon shows the commands I need to perform calculations or change the details of the circuit via the plugins GUI. This is currently not possible from a schedule.


While this is far from the end of the world it seems like it could be a comparatively easy thing to adjust.


Considering that I spend a lot of time in schedules this would really help me.

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