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The ability to demo a door without demo'ing the door frame would be helpful in instances where doors are being replaced on projects. Being able to phase the door and door frame separately would be great.
You can accomplish this quite easy in Revit already, and in my opinion it is the way it should be done.
In all of our door families we have the ability to turn off the door panel so it is just the frame remaining.
You could go one step further and have a copy of all you door families with the panel completely removed but that is a lot of duplicate families just for something that can be done with a visibility parameter or a nested panel family that doesn't contain any modeled elements.
Then we have a door family that only has the door panel in it with the cut opening removed. Then we can place the panel in the same location as the door frame in project and phase it separately.
Create separate Shared Families for door and frame. Combine them in a new 'mother' family and you can select / demo the door in the Project, without selecting the frame. And being separate families, you can also schedule them independently, if you need to