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I've been using Revit professionally for about 2 years, and I'd say some of the ideas I've posted, liked, and commented on would be considered pretty complex. User level is not determined by years of use.
I will not go into a discussion of complexity. I just wish this Idea Board to be split somehow. And I would very much like to keep questions and ideas on workarround out of what I see.
I don´t see this as a forum to share workarrounds and were people can ask questions, but as a board were you can supmit ideas to Autodesk when Revit does not have the functionallity your looking for.
You brought up complexity... So its pretty weak to bring it up then say you don't want to discuss it.
I feel like you're mixing up the boards here. This is the idea board. Sure, people post in the wrong place sometimes, but this is where ideas go. And sometimes folks will post a "workaround" on an idea to help people with a temporary solution, as ideas can take years to be implemented, if they ever do.
The Architecture, MEP, etc boards are where questions, workarounds and discussions generally go.
I've suggested a "Recent Activity" filter several times before. It'd help encourage folks to actually search to find ideas and comment / like them rather than constantly duplicating them, which is definitely a problem. It'd also help relevant ideas get visibility rather than 10 year old ideas that have already or never will be implemented. Mods haven't seemed particularly interested for whatever reason.
Thank you for your suggestion, as well as the rest of the comments here. Although it is difficult to see "behind the scenes", the Revit Ideas is a very integral part of our development system. We are continually scrolling through the Ideas and also working to categorize and combine duplicate Ideas. Yes, there are a ton of Ideas. Yes, we know that each Idea is important to our customers. Please know that we are active here.
One way to simplify your search is to use the Tags and Categories filters to find what you are looking for, as well as using simple search terms. If I want to search for "using text in formulas", for example, I will simply put "text, formula" in the search bar. The way one person words an Idea may be completely different than the way another person would word it, so using simple keywords typically produces better results.
@mhiserZFHXS , I have forwarded your suggestion to our Community team. Keep in mind that any changes we make to the Revit Ideas also affect every other Idea board, so it does sometimes take a while to implement. We are interested! Thank you for your understanding and your patience.