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Cleaned Up Wall Joins Option

Cleaned Up Wall Joins Option

As you can see, in the plan view in scale 1.50, we do only show structural walls as dark grey and secondary walls as light grey. The secondary wall should NEVER cut the thick boundary line of an stuctural Wall. In the above screenshot you can see the Wall joins are cutting the structural line, therefore, bad.

Scheme 1.Scheme 1.

In this one, I have “disallow join” of the secondary Wall and extend those walls till the border of the structural Wall, for plan views scale 1.50 are perfect representation.

Scheme 2.Scheme 2.When we go into a bigger scale view, for example 1.20 or 1.25(which are commonly use for details of bathrooms, kitchens and any special room), the focus are the see the correct and real distances and wrapping of the differents layers walls of the spaces. Whereby, the Wall join in your left is correct but those in the top right are wrong.

Scheme 3.Scheme 3.Zoom in the correct Wall joins.

Scheme 4.Scheme 4.Scheme 5.Scheme 5.

Sadly, if we do all the Wall joins between structural and secondary walls in which the layers are correct, once we come back into a lower level of detail view as 1.50 are. We are facing again wrong Kind of representation in which the secondary Wall cut off the thick line of the boundary structural Wall.



In previous Project our team and I have been using masking regions of the 2D annotation regions to fix the representation in the 1.50 plan view, while the important(correct layer wraping) always stay properly. As you can imagen, the described procedure TOOK a lot of time and there are almost NO way of verify if all the walls are correct or not UNTIL YOU PRINT IT.


Hi Martias,


Have you tried using 'Clean same type wall joins'?

First, make sure your 1:50 drawing are under 'Coarse' detail level. Then, in the Properties Pallete of the current floor plan, find the 'Wall Join Display' and change the setting to 'Clean same type wall joins'.



Let me know if this can solve the problems you have. Thanks!


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