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Change Category "Catering Eqipment" Ability -> Cutting

Change Category "Catering Eqipment" Ability -> Cutting

It would be nessecary for any Food-Service-Equipment Organizer that we are able to cut Objects which are classified as "Catering-Equipment"

As far as we know this Category is new since Revit22 for a better sorting Option so we donĀ“t have to use the

"Speciality-Equipment" any longer,

but as long as there is no cutting through Ability in the "Catering Equipment" sadly is it not useable for us, because without the Possibility to cut a Sink out of a Desk made of 3mm metal sheet for example, its useless.


My concern is to enable the cutting Option in the Catering-Equipment Catergory, so it is useful at all.

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