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Ceiling By Face

Ceiling By Face

Apologies if this is already an idea, I did a search and was shocked that I couldn't find anything (other than one post that lumped too many ideas into a single post).  The idea is in the title, create ceilings by massing face, like we can with walls, floors, and roofs.  We do a lot of complex ceiling shapes that would be infinitely easier if we could engage the conceptual modeling environment to achieve this.  I understand that I could simply make my ceiling out of a roof, but then it would be in the wrong category and I like my models clean.  I like the "by face" tool because it preserves the layers of the system family (rather than modeling the ceiling out of raw geometry). 

1 Comment

Hi @cslaten you have my vote, and for some reason, ceilings seem to be missing the boat.

Currently, you cannot create any ceiling with more than one slope, so I use a roof to achieve this for modeling but it has its drawbacks as it's not the correct category as you have mentioned in your post.

Regarding the previous post on ceilings, is this the one you were referring to

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