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CASE 20786999 (Verified Bug): Export Revit Error Report - Suggested filenames are truncated in specific case

CASE 20786999 (Verified Bug): Export Revit Error Report - Suggested filenames are truncated in specific case

Expected Behavior

When exporting warnings or errors in a Revit model, the suggested name of the output HTML report should match the original Revit model filename.


Observed Behavior

In the case that a Revit model file name contains more than one period "." character, the second period and all following text is truncated. 

Autodesk Support confirmed that the behavior affects all versions of Revit back to Revit 2015, case number in  idea subject.



We have a client that uses semantic versioning and other period-based separators in their template model names. The suggested HTML report file name for Name.Desc.Locn major.minor.patch.rvt becomes Name.Desc.html


Possible Fix

Determine the suggested filename text before the file extension using Microsoft call GetFileNameWithoutExtension(String) or equivalent. ( Link to Microsoft API docs. )


@pobrienFNE96 ,

This should be posted to the forums rather than the Revit Ideas. Have you posted there? If not I can move this thread.


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones thanks for responding.

Unfortunately, @Lance.Coffey (Customer Technical Success) from the Autodesk support team told me to publish here.

From support case 0786999:

"I am able to reproduce the behavior described. When exporting warnings from Revit (tested back to Revit 2015) if there is more than one period in the filename, the last period and any text following are omitted from the default filename.

If you would like to see the current behavior changed, you can submit your idea through the following Revit Ideas page:"


I hope we can together discover the best way to get a fix for this issue pushed.


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones (this is the second time I've been asked to post contract support requests to the Ideas forum).

@pobrienFNE96  Thanks for the additional information. I'll look into it!

It's a fine line...if it truly is a "bug" (something is wrong) then the support case is the way to go. If there is an improvement to be made, then sure, it would be an "Idea". I will keep it here for now, but will certainly follow up with the support team on this.


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones, Lance let me know that since the bug is has been around for a long time, he doesn't consider it a bug, but "legacy behavior" that needs to be suggested as an "improvement" here. I attempted to convince him that a flaw in the logic of the program isn't "behavior" but a "bug" regardless of age, but I think he's convinced otherwise.


Having been a software engineer in a past life, I'm surprised that this isn't being grabbed up as a "good first fix" for a junior programmer to handle. Is there a way to file an actual bug report?

Hi, @pobrienFNE96 ,

I had a similar conversation with Harlan. Let me keep digging and see if this particular issue may benefit from being logged as a bug. I will keep you posted.

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