Expected Behavior
When exporting warnings or errors in a Revit model, the suggested name of the output HTML report should match the original Revit model filename.
Observed Behavior
In the case that a Revit model file name contains more than one period "." character, the second period and all following text is truncated.
Autodesk Support confirmed that the behavior affects all versions of Revit back to Revit 2015, case number in idea subject.
We have a client that uses semantic versioning and other period-based separators in their template model names. The suggested HTML report file name for Name.Desc.Locn major.minor.patch.rvt becomes Name.Desc.html.
Possible Fix
Determine the suggested filename text before the file extension using Microsoft System.io call GetFileNameWithoutExtension(String) or equivalent. ( Link to Microsoft API docs. )